Identity List
Navigation and Tool Bars
Default Identity
Current Identity
Identity Options
Setting Up an Identity
Individual Identities
Private Identities
Duplicate Identities
Managed Group or Group
Group Members

Main Screen ->
Overview   top
Identities are the top level of the data hierarchy. They are the equivalent of user accounts. Each identity comprises descriptive information, settings (most importantly the log in 'password') and all the documents for an individual user or modality of use. You can create different identities according to your needs (for example: everyday documents, financial records, very sensitive documents, communications and so on).

Each identity can have its own contact information, name and image and has its own log in, data and signature locks. You must be logged in as an identity to use CerebraLock for anything more than reading the documentation.

Identity List   top
The identity list displays the list of defined identities. When logged in, only the default identity and the logged in (or current) identity are displayed in the main section. Additionally, duplicate identities, private identities and group members are shown in their own sections when applicable.

The current identity is indicated by a mark () in the mark column. Tap on an identity to log in. If the identity is complete, you will have to go through its associated access sequence.

When you tap on the current identity a list of identity options is presented.

Navigation and Tool Bars   top
: return to the previous screen.

: log out the current identity.

: switch to the 'Locks' screen for the current identity.

: edit the current identity.

: create new identities.

Default Identity   top
Initially there is only the Default Identity. You log in as the default identity to create new identities. You can use it to familiarize yourself with the app's document management and creation functions or use it for information that does not need to be protected. If desired, documents can be exported and then imported by other identities.

Current Identity   top
The current identity is the currently logged-in identity; there can be only one. It is marked with . Right after you create an identity it is incomplete and its description is displayed in red. An identity is incomplete until you assign a log in lock. Only then can your documents be fully protected. An identity can only be edited (or deleted) if you are logged in as that identity. You cannot change the log in lock once the identity setup is completed.

Identity Options   top
Tap on the current identity to call up its options: (For the Default Identity the only option is to log out.)

Edit ( in the tool bar): edit the identity.

Export: create a special document which can be archived or imported on other devices. It includes the settings and locks for the identity but not its documents. The document will be encrypted and you will need to go through an access sequence to create it and also to import it.

Delete: delete the current identity and log out.
Be very careful when you do this! All documents created by this identity (and its private identities) will be deleted and you will not be able to use any documents locked to this identity. This includes documents sent to you by others or copied to another place.

Log Out: log out the current identity and remain at the 'Identities' screen.

Close Opened Locks: empty the cache of opened locks.

Edit Description: name the identity. This is the name which is displayed in the identity list. It does not need to be your actual name.

Setting Up an Identity   top
Log in as the default identity. Tap in the tool bar at the bottom right. This will show a list of new identity options. You can create individual identities or group identities. Group identities share the same data but each uses its own access sequence to log in. This allows different people to work with the same set of documents.

Individual Identities   top
A new identity is created and becomes the current identity. It is shown in red as an incomplete identity because it does not have a log in lock. As long as the identity is incomplete anyone can log in. Its documents are somewhat protected, but for maximum security you must create and assign a lock. Individual identities can in turn create private identities and duplicate itentities (see below).

Private Identities   top
Individual identities can create private identities. These identities act like other identities but they are accessible only through the identity which created them (the master identity). This means they don't show up in the identity list until you are logged in as the master identity. You can use them to organize your data into different areas of use.

If you use the coercion functionality in the master identity's log in lock, then you can hide private identities altogether: if you log in under duress, a different set of private identities (or none) is shown than if you log in normally.

Duplicate Identities   top
Individual identities can create duplicate identities. They use the same log in lock as the master identity and have access to the same data. You can give a duplicate identity its own description, image, contact addresses, signature and signature lock. It also maintains its own UI settings.

Managed Group or Group   top
To create a group you have to define the log in lock parameters for the whole group. You can select external encryption keys or have the keys generated for you. Each group member will use their own access sequence to access a common set of documents.

In a managed group, the creator of the first identity becomes the group manager. This identity will be the only one allowed to create new group member identities. In an unmanaged group, every group member can create additional group members. Group managers are marked with a green square badge on the identity icon.

During setup the creator of a group specifies a group name which is appended to the identity description of each group member in parentheses.

Group Members   top
Group managers and any member of an unmanaged group can create group member identities. You can create up to 10 group members at a time. You will have to authenticate in order to add members. Group member identities are set up similar to individual identities, but they have to create log in and data locks according to the parameters defined by the group creator.

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Saturday, March 8, 2014