Navigation Bar
Document Picker
Contact Picker
Tool Bar
Item Selection
Navigation in Lists

Navigation Bar   top
The navigation bar is at the top of the screen and displays its title.

On the left, it usually contains a back button to get to the previous screen.
will exit the current screen and return you to the previous screen.
will be displayed on screens which let you enter information to create a document or perform a task. If you tap it (and you made any changes), a pop up will ask whether you want to create the document or perform the task, or whether you want to simply exit.

is displayed when a keyboard is on screen. A tap will hide the keyboard.
The navigation bar can also contain a button which will let you enter text to search for.

On the right side the navigation bar usually contains the button to bring up documentation. Sometimes a button is displayed to call up a screen with options. These can be settings and/or commands pertaining to the main task or the current selection.

Content   top
The content area displays the content to work on. It can be a web page, an image, a text entry field, a list of commands, settings and options or a list of documents.

Fields which require you to enter data can be cleared or reset to default by a swipe across the row.

Document Picker   top
Whenever you need to add a document or image you can do so with a document picker button: . A tap will bring up the document list, possibly restricted to the kind of document appropriate for the current task.

A related button is the import button: . It lets you pick documents from the public folders of the app. These are the main Documents folder, the app's Inbox and the Shared folder.

Contact Picker   top
Whenever you need to enter contact information you can do so with a contact picker button: . A tap will bring up the address book, restricted to the kind of information appropriate for the current task.

Tool Bar   top
The tool bar is at the bottom of the screen. Depending on the screen, it may display the number of selected items, the total number of items and commands to delete or view the selected items and other commands related to the task at hand. These commands are explained in the 'Navigation and Tool Bars' section of the documentation for each screen.

Item Selection   top
0/0: whenever you can select multiple items in a list, the number of selected items and the total number of items are displayed at the bottom left of the tool bar. If any items are currently selected, a tap on this control will deselect them. Another tap will select all items.

If a list has sections separated by titles (section headers), a selection mark may be displayed. A tap on this mark works like a tap on the selection info but acts only on the items in that section.

The selection info is usually accompanied by . Tap it to delete the selected items. You will be presented with a confirmation alert.

When is available, you can tap on it to view the selected documents.

is available in document lists. It calls up document options for multiple selected documents. You can make vaults and packages and you can export documents and (much) more.

Navigation in Lists   top
To help navigating long lists the following functionality is provided:

A tap on the screen title scrolls all the way to the top of the displayed information. If there are section headers, a tap on a section header title also scrolls all the way to the top of the list.

A tap on an up arrow scrolls the list to the top of the previous section, and a tap on a down arrow scrolls down to the top of the next section.

If a bar is visible along the right side of a list then you can skip directly to a position in the list depending on the tapped position in the bar. You can also tap and drag in the bar.

Sounds   top
CerebraLock plays several sounds to indicate completion or failure of a command or to draw your attention to a notice or request for action.

Success: whenever a command or task completes successfully you will hear this sound.

Failure: when a task fails or an error occurs you will hear this sound.

Attention: a request for your attention is made with this sound.

Input: entry screen input is acknowledged by this sound.

Access Denied: you will hear this sound if an access sequence fails.

Access Granted: successful completion of an access sequence sounds like this sound.

Not Valid: if a command cannot be performed or is unavailable, or a text entry is invalid, you will hear this sound.

Data Available For Download: when new data (vaults and messages sent to you by others) is available for download you will hear this sound.

Sounds can be switched off in the 'Admin' screen.

Appearance   top
iOS 7 - love it or hate it - relaxed the need for ultra-slick and sophisticated user interface elements in various sizes. This is quite liberating to a developer who doesn't have the tools or skills to render life-like elements. It also helps in creating a consistent interface.

I decided to use this newfound freedom to simply draw elements on index cards, take pictures (with an iPhone, of course,) then format the elements in the Preview app. This procedure frees up a lot of time better spent (methinks) on functionality and debugging.

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Saturday, April 12, 2014