Send an Invitation
Accept an Invitation
Communication Status
Navigation and Tool Bars
Duplicate, Restore, Delete Communications
Validating Communications
Using a Server to Exchange Data

Main Screen ->
Overview   top
You can exchange data with other people via e-mail, text messaging (SMS), AirDrop or by up- and download from servers. These are the modes of transmission.

There are two methods for secure data exchange. You can bundle a message and/or documents into a vault - this is roughly like sending conventional e-mail - or you can establish communications and send messages back and forth - this is more like a chat.

Both methods use encryption to make the transmitted data inaccessible to other parties. The encryption is done locally with your own encryption keys and the keys do not leave your device. You need to establish a secure connection between yourself and the recipient of the data. This is accomplished by an exchange of locks. The locks contain contact information and public keys. Remember: public keys are safe to share and expose; they are used only to encrypt data.

In order to send secure data to someone else, they must have sent you a lock and you must have imported it into your list of Received Locks. This list acts like your address book for secure data exchange.

See Sending Secure Data: Send a Vault for more on sending vaults. Tap to create and send a vault.

Communications   top
The content of this screen is a list of communications which, for all intents and purposes, are like chats. You start a communication by sending a lock to someone (the receipient) and to complete the setup, they send you a lock. A communication is identified by a special reference number. Data and locks are tied together by this number.

Now you can exchange text, voice recordings and documents securely. Data sent and received will be added to the communication, most recent on top. Once the communication is set up, you open it and conduct the actual communication on a screen dedicated to this purpose: Secure Communications (SMX).

Tap on the document icon to directly open the communication or tap on the description to call up document options.

Send an Invitation   top
Tap to initiate a communication by sending an invitation. You will be switched to the lock-sending screen (see Sending Secure Data: Send a Lock). At the same time a communication document is created and added to the list (most recent on top). Its status (, see below) should indicate that you can receive encrypted data.

Now it is up to the recipient to send you their lock. Once you get it, it will be added to your list of received locks and attached to the communication, and now you can also send encrypted data. This process is called handshaking: both of you extend your hands (encryption keys) and connect. The status is now as green as it can get: . The document icon should show the image of the recipient.

Accept an Invitation   top
When you receive a new invitation to a communication, a communication document is created and the lock to send is attached. The document icon should show the image of the sender of the lock (from your point of view: the future recipient of your data). The status of the communication is - you can send encrypted data but you cannot receive any until you accept the invitation. This means sending back your own lock. Tap the status icon to do so. You will be switched to the lock-sending screen (see Sending Secure Data: Send a Lock). The lock you choose will also become the data lock for the communication.

Once the lock is sent, it is attached to the communication and the status is updated to . You are ready to communicate securely! Tap on the document icon to switch to Secure Communications (SMX).

Communication Status   top
The status column indicates the status of the communication with red and green arrows.

The arrow on the left (incoming) indicates whether you can receive secure data - whether you sent your lock and someone can encrypt data for you.

The arrow on the right (outgoing) indicates whether you can send secure data - whether you received a lock and can encrypt data for the recipient.

: the incoming arrow is green. You can receive encrypted data. The outgoing arrow is red, you need a lock from the recipient to send encrypted data.

: the outgoing arrow is green. You can send encrypted data. The incoming arrow is red, you need to send a lock to the recipient so they can send you encrypted data.

: both arrows are green. You can securely communicate.

: both arrows are red. Try to validate the communication by tapping in the tool bar (see below).

: this icon indicates a duplicate communication document. It has the same reference number as another communication, but is marked internally as inactive. You should delete or at least not use this document - any new data will be added to the original communication. Things are already complicated enough!

Navigation and Tool Bars   top
: validate all communications. See below.

: call up the list of sent and received attachments for all communications. See Data (Document List): SMX Attachments.

or : tap to check known servers for vaults and messages available for download and download them. This check is also performed when first visiting this screen. If data is available, the icon will display the number in a badge.

: send multiple documents and/or text securely in a vault. See Sending Secure Data: Send a Vault.

: create a communication from a received lock.

: send an invitation to someone else to establish a secure communication with them.

Duplicate, Restore, Delete Communications   top
Since communications have a unique reference number, things can get a bit dicey when you duplicate or archive and then restore communication documents. The chosen approach is that only one communication with a given reference number is active at any time. 'Active' means that any received data will be added to that communication and no others. Duplicates and archived copies are marked as inactive.

An inactive duplicate is indicated with a red mark across the documentation icon and as the status icon. If you delete the original communication, any duplicates are displayed with a green checkmark superimposed on the document icon. Tap to validate all communications and one of the duplicates will be made active.

Duplicating a communication does not duplicate its attachments, but the duplicate retains references to the attachments.

Deleting a communication does not delete its attachments - there may be duplicates still referring to them. You need to manually manage the attachments with the 'Attachments' screen.

Validating Communications   top
If at any point the communication status is not what it should be, you can tap in the tool bar to validate all communication documents. This checks whether both locks are valid and available and updates the communication status. If the status still indicates a problem then you will have to fix the communication by re-sending your lock and/or re-importing the recipient's lock. You can also just start another communication.

Using a Server to Exchange Data   top
You can specify an SDX Upload Server in your identity or when sending a lock to someone else. This must be a server set up to accept uploaded data from CerebraLock and provide it when queried. The data can be stored as files or in a database. A simple file-based server-side PHP script is provided. Tap here to export it to the main level for use or inspection.

Each party in a secure communication can specify their own server. Data is stored encrypted and only until retrieved.

Servers for messages and vaults are checked when logging in and when switching to the SDX screen. Servers for messages are additionally checked when opening a communication and after sending a message.

You can also enable periodic, automatic checking for messages while on a communication screen.

Manual checking (and loading) can be performed by tapping or in the document list (for vaults), or the SDX and SMX screens (vaults and messages).

Previous: Location  Next: Secure Communications (SMX)
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Monday, March 10, 2014